Monday, June 2, 2008


Backing food --Good news is coming
Bathing in pool or river --Pilgrim and prosperity in life
Bathing in roaring river --Big gain
Betting --Big loss
Card playing -- Gain in business and trade
Combing -- Fulfilling of desire
Doing telephone --Good news
Drinking milk -- Joy time in life
Fall from bridge --Illness is in its way
Fall in river -- Worries in life
Falling from sky --Dint in honor and health problem
Fearing from a person --No problem will reach you for 3 months
Going to uphill --Gain and promotion is very close to you
Hitting on butt of a person--By courage you are going to win
Hunting --Family problem
Injured -- Freedom from problem
Knife injury --Dispute in family
Loosing job --Gain in service
Meditation --Gain in self realization or philosophy
Pass in exam --Negative result
Picking of copper --Health problem in 2 weeks
Picking of wooden thing --Hot exchange without reason
Playing with bow and arrow--Happiness in life
Purchasing ticket -- Separation in some relation
Running after a fat girl --Downfall is ahead
Running from fear --Good time has been arrived and gain is there
Seeing a money bag --Properly rewarded labor and gain
Seeing a rainbow --Change in life
Seeing a thief --Money gain
Seeing self in mirror --Nice time ahead
Seeing the sky --Gain and promotion is very close to you
Self death --Age gain, and you will escape from trouble
Self dying --Luck has opened its door
Self hungry --Gain in journey
Self injury -- high gain
Self sleeping --Health problem to elder daughter
Self suicide -- Long age
Self weeping --Joy has reached to you
Shaving head --Happy married life
Slapping to some one--Hot exchange in home
Spitting --Problem is very close
Standing in roof --Resting time ahead
Suffering from fever-- Health gain
Swept with water -- Good success in work and new work is also near
Swimming -- Gain in longevity
Taking bribe -- Insult and dint in honor
Taking medicine --Health gain and complete cure
Taking poison -- Increase in problems
Thirsty -- Health problem and blockage in work
Toilet --Pain in life may increase
Touching some lady's breasts --Security from evil power
Trapped in sand or mud -- Pain and loss of money
Wearing of ring -- Money gain

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