Saturday, May 31, 2008


Anchor -- Increase in wealth
Arms and ammunition --All problems are going away
Ash -- Gain and success in life
Bed sheet -- Defame
Bicycle --Gain in life
Black cap or black hat --Progress in service is near but health problem too
Black spectacles --Sorrow
Bow (arc) --Successful journey
Broom --Loss in wealth or money loss
Bucket or storing vessel--Gain in business and trade
Cap or hat --Progress in life is near
Carpet, black -- Evil problem in home
Carpet, green -- Gain in family business, but you will keep away
Carpet, red --Injury to some family member
Coal --Some good news will come
Coming ship -- Good time is very near
Copper coin in soil -- Problems are near
Dust --Journey
Embroidery --Success in love and romance
Engine -- Loss in plan or failure in plan
Flag --Good fame and gain in wealth
Fly over or bridge --Good gain in journey is near
Flying aeroplane --Good luck
Fountain --Sorrows are going away
Green scarf -- Depressing time
Hidden treasure--Past life gain time is with you
High building -- Change in job with good gain
House -- Fame and gain in honor
Hut --Security and favor from seniors
Ice --Meeting with beloved one
Iron -- Injury
Kite seeing --Increase in problems
Ladies hat or covering cloth-- Good luck and gain
Locked lock --Problem in service
Many stars --Fulfilling of deep desire
Market --Bad days are over
Mirror --illness finished
Open lock --Gain in dealing but if in service then transfer of work
Opened door -- New area of work
Opening of locked lock--Problems are going away
Pocket or purse -- VictoryPracticing
Sword --Victory on enemies
Printing --Insult and dint in honor
Prison --Honor and promotion
Rifle --Problem is coming to you
Scissors cutting --Hot exchange
Shadow --Be alert you may get life problem
Ship --Good time
Ship going away --Good time gone
Shivering in cold or fear--Dawn in life is near
Shop, empty --Good gain in life and new venture is also ahead
Shop, fill with articles --Good gain in life is approaching you
Shower bathing --Educational gain to father
Silver jewelry --Separation in some relation
Sitting in a boat --False allegation on you, is near
Skirt or lower garment --Domestic joy
Smoke without fire --Blockage in work
Square type pool--Breathing trouble
Standing aeroplane--Good luck will be there after 6 month
Tent --New work
Textile spool --Financial gain
Toy --Peace and harmony
Triangle or trinity--Big success
Umbrella --Worries are going away
Vehicle, black color --Bad news is coming to you
Vehicle, light color -- Good journey
Washing machine --Success in work
Watch or clock ---- Travelling
White scarf or cap--Peace in life
Wrestler ---- Health gain and brother will help you
Yogurt --Success

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