Thursday, May 22, 2008


Bear, black --Bad days has been arrived
Bear, white -- Good luck
Black animal, except elephant -- Be alert you may get life problem
Black cobra -- Honor from govt. Or miscarriage(pregnant lady)
Caged bird --Peace in life
Camel --Injury in limb
Cat --Sign of fighting in life
Dog --Meeting of a new and very good friend
Elephant --Success and gain
Fall from any animal --Problem and worries
Fish pound --Gain due to some opposite sex
Goat --pleasing journey
Horse riding -- Success in life
Lion --Death of some enemy
Lizard --Sudden gain in finance or money
Monkeys -- Health ailment which can convert in to chronic illness
Peacock -- Happy news
seeing Pigeon--Good news
Rabbit --Gain of love of opposite sex
Scorpio --Worries in lifeSeeing
an Owl --Health problem and sorrow
Sleeping animal --Problems are near to you but you may not get affected
Snake --Peace in life, but not good for pregnant lady
Speaking Crow --Bad news
White animal -- Gain in business
White Snake -- Gain in life but not good for pregnant lady

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