Saturday, May 24, 2008


Bones and skeleton -- hidden treasure waiting for you
Burned alive -- Good news and gain in near future
Burring a coffin --Good gain and healthy time
Coffin --Money gain and promotion
Crimination place--Fame and gain in honor
Dancing of dead body --Be alert you may get life problem
Darkness --You are going to get problem.
Dead body -- Good health and good time ahead
Dead man saying -- His or her saying will come true
Drowning -- Struggle time, and you will face it strongly
Eating with dead -- Bad days are over
Ghost seeing -- Increase in luck
Ill person -- Unhealthy period is over
Killing of some one --Sudden problem
Laughing dead body --Big problem has arrived
Miscarriage --Serious illness
Mourning people --Joy in life and a lot of gain
Murder --Problem is coming
Prayer for dead person --Big problem related to health
Prayer for departed relative --Ancestors are blessing you
Seeing an ancestor --Good result of past deeds is near

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