Saturday, May 31, 2008


Anchor -- Increase in wealth
Arms and ammunition --All problems are going away
Ash -- Gain and success in life
Bed sheet -- Defame
Bicycle --Gain in life
Black cap or black hat --Progress in service is near but health problem too
Black spectacles --Sorrow
Bow (arc) --Successful journey
Broom --Loss in wealth or money loss
Bucket or storing vessel--Gain in business and trade
Cap or hat --Progress in life is near
Carpet, black -- Evil problem in home
Carpet, green -- Gain in family business, but you will keep away
Carpet, red --Injury to some family member
Coal --Some good news will come
Coming ship -- Good time is very near
Copper coin in soil -- Problems are near
Dust --Journey
Embroidery --Success in love and romance
Engine -- Loss in plan or failure in plan
Flag --Good fame and gain in wealth
Fly over or bridge --Good gain in journey is near
Flying aeroplane --Good luck
Fountain --Sorrows are going away
Green scarf -- Depressing time
Hidden treasure--Past life gain time is with you
High building -- Change in job with good gain
House -- Fame and gain in honor
Hut --Security and favor from seniors
Ice --Meeting with beloved one
Iron -- Injury
Kite seeing --Increase in problems
Ladies hat or covering cloth-- Good luck and gain
Locked lock --Problem in service
Many stars --Fulfilling of deep desire
Market --Bad days are over
Mirror --illness finished
Open lock --Gain in dealing but if in service then transfer of work
Opened door -- New area of work
Opening of locked lock--Problems are going away
Pocket or purse -- VictoryPracticing
Sword --Victory on enemies
Printing --Insult and dint in honor
Prison --Honor and promotion
Rifle --Problem is coming to you
Scissors cutting --Hot exchange
Shadow --Be alert you may get life problem
Ship --Good time
Ship going away --Good time gone
Shivering in cold or fear--Dawn in life is near
Shop, empty --Good gain in life and new venture is also ahead
Shop, fill with articles --Good gain in life is approaching you
Shower bathing --Educational gain to father
Silver jewelry --Separation in some relation
Sitting in a boat --False allegation on you, is near
Skirt or lower garment --Domestic joy
Smoke without fire --Blockage in work
Square type pool--Breathing trouble
Standing aeroplane--Good luck will be there after 6 month
Tent --New work
Textile spool --Financial gain
Toy --Peace and harmony
Triangle or trinity--Big success
Umbrella --Worries are going away
Vehicle, black color --Bad news is coming to you
Vehicle, light color -- Good journey
Washing machine --Success in work
Watch or clock ---- Travelling
White scarf or cap--Peace in life
Wrestler ---- Health gain and brother will help you
Yogurt --Success

Friday, May 30, 2008



Beautiful girl --Gain in income and good luck is coming
Beautiful lady -- Joy in love life
Beggar -- Compelled journey
Big fat man -- Health gain
Doctor, coming to you -- Health problem is coming up
Doctor, medicating you --Gain in health and total recovery
Doctor, standing --Health problem in 2 months
Gardner --Happy news
Giant --Problem is over
Girl --Pilgrim
Girl kisses you -- Loss due to foolish act
Infant child --Harmony in family
Keep (lady, who is a kept) --Problem to children
Kid kisses you -- A chain of gains are going to start
King or ruler -- Gain in service
Leprosy patient --Sign of bad health
Little girl kisses you --Big gain and blessing of time has arrived in life
Magician --Bad sign, problem due to planets
Male and unmarried relative --Health problem, loss to parents
Mating couple -- Joy in married life
Mating with relative -- Breathing problem to mother
Old lady --Health problem for long time
Old lady (without hairs) --You may receive bad time
Old widow --Stressful time in life
Postman --Good news from distant place
Rough --Loss in wealth or money loss
Sister --Increase in luck
Tailor --Work will end in mess
Teacher -- Success in work
Watch man --Sign of money gain
Young widow --Hidden relations in making

Wednesday, May 28, 2008


Cutting a tree -- Increase in problems
Cutting roots -- Problem is very close
Eating green fruit -- Health gain
Eating rice --Good news
Eating sweet thing -- Honor and promotion
Eating termini -- Birth of male child
Fruit full tree --Gain in life
Garden with flowers -- Good days and gain
Lotus or holy flower --Money gain
Mango tree (without fruit) -- Joy from children
Root of plant or tree --Long life
Root vegetable (potato etc.) -- Problem is ahead
Rose --Fulfilling of desire
Termini tree -- Good health
Water malon --Money gain but problem in life also coming


Breast feeding --Mega gain from some relative
Flood -- Loss in wealth
Hill or mountain --Gain in service
Ocean --Gain from hidden treasure
River --Peace in rest of life
Sand --Gain in money and business
Sea --Gain through hidden mean
Snow fall --getting more income
Some stars --Good time is very near
Stars and sun --Love with some learned person
Stone or boulder -- Problem for longer time is close to you
Storm, air --Problem is very close
Storm, fire --Good gain in life is approaching you
Storm, water -- Money as well as health problem
Sunny day --Very good gain in service
Water fall -- All pains in life are reducing
Water, still water --Honor and praise

Monday, May 26, 2008


Birthday celebration
--Loss in age
Catching fire by hand --Waste of money
Holding lady's waist --You may get caught in wrongful act
Construction of building -- Wealth gain
Dancing of mass --Nice time is coming
Drum beating -- Meeting with some important person
Eclipse --Disease in life
Enemy --Good time has been arrived
Engagement celebration -- Late marriage
Fail in exam --Good gain and success
Fall of wall --Loss in wealth or money loss
Festival --Bad news
Fighting people -- Joy in life
Fire --Some gland problem, but success in work
Firing of bullet --Solution of problem
Gambling --Loss in wealth or money loss
Guest in home --Sudden problem is coming
People in marriage party -- Lots of problem are on its way
Pick pocket --Loss in wealth or money loss
Raining --Good dream, prosperity is in its way
Seeing an operation --It is sign of health problem
Seeing off some one --Increase in money
Seeing upside down --Insult and shock
Sneeze -- Blocking in work
Some one slap you --Gain in life and all pain will go away soon
Threatened by some one --Victory on enemies
Turmoil or seismic --Worries from children
War --Sign of success
Holy day, X'Mas etc -- Cosmic shield for you, malefic impact of past dream over
Marriage of some known one -- Lots of problem are on its way
Wedding or brides car -- Some problem is surrounding you for long time

Saturday, May 24, 2008


Bones and skeleton -- hidden treasure waiting for you
Burned alive -- Good news and gain in near future
Burring a coffin --Good gain and healthy time
Coffin --Money gain and promotion
Crimination place--Fame and gain in honor
Dancing of dead body --Be alert you may get life problem
Darkness --You are going to get problem.
Dead body -- Good health and good time ahead
Dead man saying -- His or her saying will come true
Drowning -- Struggle time, and you will face it strongly
Eating with dead -- Bad days are over
Ghost seeing -- Increase in luck
Ill person -- Unhealthy period is over
Killing of some one --Sudden problem
Laughing dead body --Big problem has arrived
Miscarriage --Serious illness
Mourning people --Joy in life and a lot of gain
Murder --Problem is coming
Prayer for dead person --Big problem related to health
Prayer for departed relative --Ancestors are blessing you
Seeing an ancestor --Good result of past deeds is near

Thursday, May 22, 2008


Bear, black --Bad days has been arrived
Bear, white -- Good luck
Black animal, except elephant -- Be alert you may get life problem
Black cobra -- Honor from govt. Or miscarriage(pregnant lady)
Caged bird --Peace in life
Camel --Injury in limb
Cat --Sign of fighting in life
Dog --Meeting of a new and very good friend
Elephant --Success and gain
Fall from any animal --Problem and worries
Fish pound --Gain due to some opposite sex
Goat --pleasing journey
Horse riding -- Success in life
Lion --Death of some enemy
Lizard --Sudden gain in finance or money
Monkeys -- Health ailment which can convert in to chronic illness
Peacock -- Happy news
seeing Pigeon--Good news
Rabbit --Gain of love of opposite sex
Scorpio --Worries in lifeSeeing
an Owl --Health problem and sorrow
Sleeping animal --Problems are near to you but you may not get affected
Snake --Peace in life, but not good for pregnant lady
Speaking Crow --Bad news
White animal -- Gain in business
White Snake -- Gain in life but not good for pregnant lady

1. DREAMS (Introduction)

Some time we are unable to read the coming time which our sixth sense or heavenly souls want to tell us by the means of our dreams. When we are very tired, when we are very sorrowful, or under the impact of some medicine, or in day time rest, or much thinking about some one then under that case such dreams are not called as signal of cosmos. The dreams which are not concerning us but we not only see them but remember them for long time, such dreams are known to be or are said to be as signals of coming time.Generally all black things are known as bad but elephant, black tiger are known as good. All white things are known as good but bed sheet etc. is not known as good. If you see any dream in mid night time or about mid of sleep, then it is known that the result of dream may come after 6 month. If it is just before waking up then it give immediate result or may be in one week.The most surprising thing which we have seen that while dreaming we understand that in what part of night we have seen that dream. Scientifically it is impossible but the fact is much different.If you see wrong dream, then by sleeping again, it nullifies its results, same is applicable in good dream too. Hence do not sleep till next night, after getting good dream can convert stressful time in good one.We pray that you may all get benefit from the information.